Dear 18 months little baby,

thank you joining us traveling for the first time and been so calm during the trip. We can’t wait to explore the world with you. Maldives, NZ, Norway, Turkey, NYC, Japan, etc are still waiting to be unlocked. I believe it’ll be more fun unlock them all together with you.

Abi dan Ibuk – with Rizki Nur at Pantai Tanjung Tinggi Laskar Pelangi Belitung

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Belitong is very recommended for a short getaway!
with direct flight only 50 min from Jakarta, you’ll find such a paradise that is no less stunning than Bali or Lombok.
1. book hotel jauh2 hari kalo mau dapet hotel yang bagus dg view yg bagus juga terutama di peak season (kalo keabisan di situs booking online jangan sedih, telpon aja sales hotel nya biasanya masih ada)
2. sewa mobil karena tujuan wisata jauh2 dan angkutan umum ga available. taksi ada tapi mahal dan armada nya dikit. motor juga bisa tapi ya mayan tepos pantatnya. pilihan mobil juga lumayan variatif dr yg kecil, sedang, besar. matic non matic. pilih mobil yg nyaman penting krn perjalanan yg lumayan jauh apalagi kalo sama bumil/bayi/balita/lansia. sesuaikan juga waktu kedatangan-keberangkatan biar maksimal pemakaian mobilnya. oiya minta antar-jemput di bandara biar lebih hemat.
3. Belitong cukup menyenangkan untuk jalan2 segala usia. mau island hopping juga ga terlalu jauh jaraknya cuma sekitar 20-30 min. cuma hati2 pas milih kapalnya cari yg rada bagusan dikit dan ga lambat jalannya kek siput wkwk
4. kuliner seafood nya wajib coba: Batu Garuda. yg lainnya ada di tripadvisor wkwk

Sampai jalan2 berikutnya, teman traveling, teman hidup, teman berangkat bareng, teman bobo, teman serumah, teman makan, teman berantem, dan teman teman 😘 – with Rizki Nur at Bandara H. A. S. Hanandjoeddin (TJQ) (Bandar Udara H.A.S. Hanandjoeddin)

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Always love the astonishing effect when everything’s beyond expectation: the journey, hospitality from locals, the kids’ enthusiasm, the culture, the stars, the magnificent houses, the stories, the weather, the grass, the forest, even the smoke from inside the house. Grateful is the best word to express the emotion. – at Desa Waerebo, Flores

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to sum up last 9 days:
3D2N sailing and Live on Board (LoB) ✅
18 km returns hiking to hidden village Waerebo ✅
500 miles roadtrip from west to east Flores ✅
make new friends ✅

best trip so far, thanks guys! till we meet again~
Thanks Canaya Tour for trip arrangement, super recommended! – with Danny, Rizki Nur, Cynthia, Andini , Bella, and Biyan at El Tari International Airport (KOE)

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Akhirnya rilis juga!

Bingung mau ngajakin pacar/gebetan/gacoan kemana? Stress sama kerjaan? Langsung aja cekidot Goers!

Goers by Niki Yaumi

Jgn ngaku anak gaul Jakarta kalo blm pake aplikasi ini. Yg gaul makin gaul, yg blm gaul bisa jadi gaul #toomuchgaul – with Anselmus Krisma Adi and Niki

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TOEFL iBT – Speaking Section Strategies

The Speaking section in TOEFL iBT  measures the test taker’s ability to communicate in English orally. The six tasks
in the Speaking section are divided into two types – independent speaking tasks (2 tasks) and integrated speaking tasks (4 tasks). Students must prove they are able to speak effectively under the following requirements:
• Deliver adequate oral responses to the questions.
• Participate actively in academic discussions.
• Participate in everyday conversations.
• State a clear opinion about the discussed subjects.
• Summarize and orally reproduce the information read in textbooks or heard in the classroom.
• Communicate with university officials in libraries, sport centers, housing offices, bookstores, etc.

General Speaking Strategies

Build your vocabulary systematically. Develop a word list with new words and devote time to learn those words and include them in your speaking and writing practice systematically.
Speak, Speak, Speak. Whatever else you do, without speaking you will never make it. So, start speaking to build fluency. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, try to avoid them the next time you speak.
Even speaking to your reflection in the mirror is better than not speaking. Thinking aloud is a good strategy. Give voice to your thoughts and reproduce your thoughts in loud English speech.
Try to think in English and thus avoid translating from your language into English. Practice commonly used phrases in English, so that you may use them with the same confidence as you use your language. Then add to those phrases in order to create complete sentences.
Develop fluency. Put a headset/earphones, start a listening material and repeat all you hear after the speaker. Repeat aloud. Another good method to develop fluency – read aloud. Alternatively, watch your favourite dvd on mute, then read the subtitles aloud.
Use idioms appropriately. Use of idioms in English is a sign of fluency. But be careful, if you don’t use them appropriately, you will get the opposite effect. So just use the ones that you know really well.
Master appropriate and correct use of English grammar.
Systematically improve your pronunciation. You should pay attention to the words’ stresses, intonation patterns and
pauses. You should sound as naturally as possible.
Practice organizing your speech. In TOEFL iBT you are given a very short time to think what to say to answer the question. You should use the time to think of a layout to follow during your speech. Write down the main points you would follow when speaking. Support the main points with some details (write down just words or short phrases that will help you to remember what to say). You will have 15 seconds to make this layout.
Record your practice speaking and listen to it to find where you did well and where you did not. Listen to your past records and compare them with the new ones. Do you hear any progress?
For the independent task you will have to speak about familiar topics. Make a list of familiar topics and practice speaking about each of them. First start with a description of your city, country, place, event, etc. After, it is important to state your personal opinion/preference and support it with sound reasoning, examples and details.
For the integrated speaking task you will have to combine information from different sources in order to answer the
question. Therefore, it is of importance when you read texts or listen to lectures and conversations in your preparation, to orally summarize in short what you have read or heard. You may also state (orally) an opinion about the passages you have read or listened to. Suggest a solution if there is a problem described in the reading or listening.
You can see how the examiner will score your speaking on this link.

During the exam

There is a very good chance that some of the other test takers would already have started their speaking before you and the noise they make may disturb you. The only good strategy in this case is to disregard the noise. There is some time to listen to instructions. During this time concentrate entirely on what you hear and pay no attention to what is going on around you.
Use the preparation time effectively to draw the outline and details of your response.
Time management is a very important component. It is neither good to finish long before the time is over nor is it good to be unable to complete your response within the time. Try to answer the question as completely as possible within the given speaking time.
Relax when speaking! Try to sound confident. Remember that even native English speakers make mistakes, repeat sentences, and correct themselves.
Use appropriate signal and linking words to switch between ideas, to add information, etc. That helps the listener to follow your thoughts.
Good luck.

Watching Suits by Season 1

H: What are your choices if someone puts a gun to your head?
M: You do what they said or they shoot you.
H: Wrong. You take the gun. Or you pull out a bigger one. Or you call their bluff. Or you do any one of 146 other things. If you can’t think for yourself, maybe you aren’t cut out of this.

H: Look, sometimes when someone pulls a gun on you, instead of bullets it’s filled with blank

I really adore how professionalism have been taught through this series instead of…you know

Watching Suits by Season 1

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